Friday, December 11, 2009

How To Kill Lawn Insects If I Spray My Lawn With Vinegar Would This Kill The Insects Or What I Use?

If I spray my lawn with vinegar would this kill the insects or what I use? - how to kill lawn insects

Vinegar is a natural herbicide, please do not spray on the lawn ... unless you want a dead lawn. :)

Looks like you might want to organically kill insects? After the plague and its budgetary needs, you have several options.

Milky Spore works larvae of insects, insecticidal soap for aphids, working creep diatomaceous earth for insect and good ol 'fashioned beer or a container for snails. Visit counter for further information on the nature of things for certain types of errors. Their forums are a help if you have any questions huhyoooge .. was a member of a couple of years and everyone is great!

Good luck!


John M said...

depends on what kind of insects you have. I would recommend that you contact your university extension agent or the county. In general, the people who are genuinely useful information on lawn and plants, pay nothing for it must have for boards

John M said...

depends on what kind of insects you have. I would recommend that you contact your university extension agent or the county. In general, the people who are genuinely useful information on lawn and plants, pay nothing for it must have for boards

65% water said...

No, but probably kill your lawn. Not even try to kill the insects in your garden. Your lawn is where it should be. Leave the insects alone.

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